Why we run..

We run to feel free. For the love of forgetfulness and the thrill of adrenaline. We run to improve, to challenge ourselves and reach new heights. We chase times, we lose weight and fight for the wellness of our minds. Whatever the reasons, we do it because we love it.

Running is the easiest form of physical activity one can perform. Simply step outside and put one foot in front of the other, slightly faster than usual. You can be a casual jogger, a fitness freak or an Olympian; the activity is the same for everyone on planet earth. Even though running is the easiest form of activity to participate in, it is arguably one of the hardest to master. To become fitter and faster than everyone else, there are countless variables one must consider. To further complicate the matter, there is not one ‘be all and end all’ plan to running to become the fastest you can be, as everyone is different.

Not one training plan can make you a better runner, it has to be constantly adapted to be just as unique as yourself. There will be high points, there will be low points, but the beauty of running comes from the journey you take; from your first ever run to your first race. No feeling can compare to all of your hard work paying off. Whether it be a personal best at your local Parkrun, or just your fastest run to date, the sensation of becoming a faster runner is a sensation only runners can relate to.

Throughout the journey of this blog, I will share all of my knowledge I have on the simple sport we all know and love. Everything from nutritional values to the terrain we run on. I hope you will join me. I hope you will feel inspired, run more and find ways to improve your own running experiences.

Once a runner, always a runner.

Callum Francis




12 thoughts on “Why we run..

    1. Running with someone can definitely benefit you in that case. I will be covering topics such as running and mental health, and the aspects of social running. I hope they will help you.


      1. I was part of running team since I suffer from chronic pain I wasn’t able to be as fast since everyone was advanced and the fact my body had to be adapting on and off didn’t work to my advantage. Im good about running in my neighborhood but I’m nooootttt consistent again lack of motivation. But I love running anything to do with fitness I’m there! It’s getting there!!🤯


    1. I would say definitely run with a partner, it adds an extra sense of enjoyment when you have someone to motivate you. And the more you run you will see bigger improvements in your mental state. Exercise is proven to help depression, and there’s no easier exercise than running.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. “Running is the easiest form of physical activity one can perform” – I am not how accurate this statement is. Jumping rope could perhaps also be considered the “easiest form of physical activity one can perform” no? I don’t know. I guess it depends. Just a thought.


  2. I love how accessible running is, but so many people have preconceptions on their own physical limitations “i’m not a runner” “I’m not built like a runner” and the cardiovascular limitations in the beginning hold so many people back “whoa that was hard” and then they quit. I’m currently trying to convince my husband to “like” running, he’s my toughest convert yet. Great blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “We run to feel free.” Yes. Thank you so much for liking my first ever blog post. Running has been such an important thing for me, and I know its going to be a big part of my next journey 🙂 We’re lucky to have such a lovely running community.
    This Vet Runs. xx

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